Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Found a flat!

Well my lovely bloglets,

I have found a flat, woop!!  Tis a MASSIVE relief.  It's Victorian so has good sized rooms, isn't too expensive and is in Brixton which is the new place to be...well I think so anyways.  I predict that everyone will move there from Clapham as Clapham is getting waaay tooo expensive!  Oh and also, the flat is right next to the prison which means that it is really safe, cause lets face it, who is going to be have in an illegal manner right next to a prison where there are guards patrolling etc??  No one!!  Well unless they are massively stupid!!

My finding has also come through for my degree..have I mentioned that before?  I can't remember? Anyways, I had stupid amounts of grief and hassle trying to get it all okayed.  They should have done it from the word go as I am entitled to it as my first degree wasn't an Hons (thank fuck) so I will be furthering my education, so am allowed it....but they didn't get that did they?!  As they saw that I had a degree they didn't read what I had put correctly so missed the fact that is isn't an Hons, and then didn't look at my degree certificate that I posted in properly which clearly states had to play the cancer card and send in letters from current and old consulant, from my on LEA to confirm my diagnosis during uni and that it interrupted my studies blah blah blah.  I FINALLY spoke to someone at Student Finance with more than half a brain cell who said, 'you are entitled to everything as you don't have an Hons degree and this should have been approved in March when I applied.  Good..............  So now I don't have to panic and worry about how I'm going to pay for it as our beloved government are...until I have to pay it back.....

I have also recently received an email to say that my old employer wants to settle out of court, even though if it went to court their case would be solid and win....yeah right!!  So that is good news.  I should hopefully hear back soon with their response to the figure I put forward, and of course it will be a 'yes we will pay now; response!!

IVF money front, if my consultant hasn't been able to progress by my next appointment which is in a couple of weeks, I shall get TCT involved.  Once again, I can't remember if I've mentioned this before or not...I could check, but can't be arsed.  Am also on a roll so if I do that I will break my writing flow, which of course would NOT (I'm getting involved with capitol letters today!) be good. So yes, defo shouldn't have paid for IVF, and TCT will back me all the way to the media, so you never know, I could be in the press (again) very shortly.  I might think about getting an agent soon...ha ha ha, jokes!

Ummmm, suddenly my hair looks very glossy and seems to be much healthier than normal, so fingers crossed that I get some fucking good results in a couple of weeks!  It's time I got them, and getting a bit bored of this cancer malarkey,....

I've been doing some films for and they should be on their website soon, so will put the link on here when they are so you can all have a watch.

Ummm, that's it me thinks, move in date to new flat is the 14th Sept at the moment, hopefully it will be moved forward as have been homeless for nearly a month and don't really fancy sofa hopping for another 3 weeks....although on the flip side it does mean more money in the bank that's not going out on rent.....

Right, time to bugger off.  Can't be arsed to re- read this for spelling mistakes and typo's.  Hope it's not too bad and this all makes sense!  Have been speed typing!

Lots of love, laughter and smiles as always,

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Really quickly because I'm meant to be peeling pears...

So bloglets,

Really quickly as I'm meant to be peeling pears for some grand pudding the Kevla is in the midst of making, I want to put a link here for you to have a look at:

It's the first of a series of videos from The Way Forward weekend that I went to a few weeks ago and blogged about.  Obviously it's amazing as I'm in in!!  Also it's brilliant because two new buddies I met through the weekend, Peter Wilkinson and his beautiful little wife, Debs are behind the editing etc of the video.  So a round of applause for them please!

Ok, going a little bit mental now, and I fear I'm about to get a bollocking for not doing the pears....

Much love, laughter and smiles as ever

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

I forgot something

So I spoke at the private view of an exhibition in Camden, of course for TCT and I think it went quite well.  And am adding to my 'famous people I've met' list which is always a fun game!  So if anyone is near or in Camden or wants to go to an AMAZING photography exhibition, go to Proud Gallery and see the 6 Shooters exhibition.  And if anyone wants to buy me a Dave Ghrol picture, please do!  I tried my best to either steal it, or get someone to buy it for me on the night, and failed miserably!!

Right, I really do think that's it....


A little post from the rentals

Well my little bloglets,

I am currently sitting outside in the rentals garden doing this as I have the week off...bliss!  Quite a lot has happened in the  past couple of months.  Am quite tempted to do my list again rather than babble on for hours because I am in the middle of doing video blogs for a company associated with Teenage Cancer Trust called JimmyTeens and rather than explaining it, here's the website so go and have a look yourselves!
And I need to carry on with them so I don't end up repeating myself all the time as I feel I potentially do on here!

So here comes the list:

1. back to 8 week check ups woop woop a platelets up to 94 woop woop!
2. Had an email from the Employment Tribunal mediator woman type thing asking me what figure I would like to suggest as my ex employer wants to settle out of court (even though they have a strong case if it goes to court....yeah right!) so am waiting for my solicitor to advise me on what figure to suggest.
3. I think there is a light at the end of the pavalova with Student Finance and trying to get finance for my degree that starts in Sept.  I had a phone call yesterday saying that as I don't have an honours degree then I should get funding and I didn't need to supply medical evidence to support this.  I tell you what, these places are full of monkeys who are literally 'computer says no' types with the very rare person who is able to think for themselves.  Thank god these people realise that I am not trying to abuse the system and am only trying to get what I am entitled to!!
4. My beloved Teenage Cancer Trust are going to kick up a fuss in the media if I don't get my IVF money back as there is no way in hell I should have paid for it.  Fucking cheeky IVF consultant, grrrr....anyways, I'm seeing what my lovely consultant can do by my next check up - I think the 9th Sept - and if she hasn't got anywhere, hello media!  (again!).
5. Went to a really brilliant weekend with TCT in Colchester a couple of weekends ago.  It was a focus group about support post treatment etc and funnily enough a lot of the topics that were raised by both myself and the others are things covered by the course I have done, the Healing Journey, so have told TCT about it, and maybe they will take it on.  I'm hoping to become a facilitator of the Healing just waiting to hear if doing the Healing Journey qualifies you, or if you still have to be a trained councillor.
6.  I'm going to be trained in EFT soon (by my Mummy) so that will be brilliant, so can continue to help myself both on my own as a trained person, with Mummy (as I do at the moment) and can help others and make some extra money.  If any one else is interested in finding out more about EFT and potentially training in it, let me know.
7. Have moved out of my flat, as I'm moving in with a uni friend in Sept and was potentially going to be away for August (which fell through, obviously or I'd be doing this somewhere hot and sunny and exotic, not in a Suffolk garden!) so am flat hunting.  I've decided Brixton is the way forward.  Saw an AMAZING flat last weekend, but unfortunately was waaay over budget...nevermind, I'm sure something else even better will pop up.
8. Ummm.............Brain gone blank......
9. I discovered at the recent TCT weekend that I'm amazing at Rock Climbing and I suck beyond belief at Archery!
10.  Right, nice even number so shall bugger off,

Lots of love, laughter and smiles,