Saturday, 6 June 2009

Great North Run

Well as you are all aware I was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia on January 19th 2007. I have since come into contact with a fucking awesome charity called Teenage Cancer Trust who have kindly taken me under their wing even though at 24, I am not exactly a teenager!

I could bang on for hours about how brilliant they are, building wards for teens and 20 year olds so they are not stuck on the baby/children wards or the adult wards. They also organize a weekend a year called Find Your Sense Of Tumor where they have people talking about things like fertility and chemo, what the different cancers are, what chemo is in english, and other things that are normally explained in doctor. They also have question sessions where our answers count, as we are so often ignored or not listened to because of our ages. It's also an opportunity to hang out with other Cancer Kids, share experiences and to make a support network for those who feel alienated, alone and that no one can understand how they feel.

I thought it was about time that I got off my arse and did something for them rather than just sponging off them (free Kasabian gig, I represented them at a perfume award at the Dorchester.....)

So if you can, please please give some money. Not only is my favourite mantra, 'exercise is bad for your health' I am also running the 13 miles whilst going through treatment for cancer. If that doesn't make you donate, I give up!

I know every one is running for charities at the moment, and I know you are all sick of the begging messages, but if you can spare even 5p, I will and the charity will appreciate it hugely!

A great big thank you in advance!


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