Thursday 26 July 2007

IVF stuff

Sooooooooooooo, I went back to the Hammersmith on Tues to see Mr. Panay, the expert and only consultant I can see to discuss what's going to happen to me etc etc etc and gues what..HE WASN'T BLOODY THERE!!!!!!!! Thank god I had an unofficial heamatology appointment as well otherwise I would have gone fucking ballistic as I would have travelled to london and spent £30 on travel for nothing! So I get an earlier train to go to Haematology first to have a blood test (no worries, ate something whilst waiting so no near feinting...!! And the nurse was the same one as last time and also quadrouple checked..!!!) and then trot over to Gyne to announce my arrival. At least this time I was on the system, and expected and they had my notes. A miracle! The only fuck up, a lack of the consutant, so saw someone else who couldn't help and made the wonderful announcement of as I've already been on chemo, they might not be able to do the procedure...GREAT!!! I do not believe this is true as in Edinburgh they said that Glevec wouldn't affect fertility.

So, I was a little bit irritated and have been squeezed into the clinic on Friday at 11, which means getting my old buddy, the 8.45 train, which means, yes, it will be expensive and it's early and blah blah blah. If he's not there on Fri, they are going to see the biggest hissy fit they have EVER seen!! I also want to start the process going, as I have, well so far, very little faith in the competance of the Gyne department and don't want to be traipsing down from Edinburgh to have the procedure done etc cause they've taken so long to get their acts together!! Would also like to start the new chemo to see how I react to it and if I don't react well to get it sorted at the Hammersmith rather than in Edinburgh, cause lets face it, the Hammersmith is much better!

On the haematology front, everything is fine, white cell 4.9, platelets up a bit to 178, but it's all under control...!

As I finish house sitting tomorrow morning when I get on the train, I shan't be able to update my blog unless a miracle has happened at home with the laptops and broadband and let me log in, so shall write again as soon as I can....

I also hope that someone who reads this is having nice sunny weather, and not the rain that I am experiancing (every day...sun...summer???? Where is it??) If you are, tell me where you are, because I'm coming to stay!!

Lots of love etc etc

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